After Rhinoplasty
- You can stand up 3-4 hours after the procedure. (Please ask the nurses for help. Do not stand up alone.)
- Your nurses will tell you when you can eat and drink.
- There will be a plaster on your nose. This plaster will be removed 5-7 days after the procedure. Tapes will be attached instead. You can remove these tapes from bottom to top after 10 days (If you are in Istanbul, we will do this.)
- After the procedure, you should use your spray and ointment for 15 days.
- On the day after the procedure, you can wash your hair so carefully that no water will touch your nose.
- Bruises may appear on your face. These bruises will fade away in 7-10 days.
- Intermittent ice application on your face for 2 days is recommended to reduce edema and swelling.
- We recommend you not to laugh and talk too much after the procedure. It might increase swelling.
- We do not recommend smoking for 15 days as it negatively affects wound healing.
- You can have skin care 1 month after the procedure. (Except for the nasal area.)
- You can do light sports 15 days after the procedure. We suggest that you wait 3 months for strenuous physical activities and sports (team sports, sports with a ball.)
- You can drink herbal teas one week after the procedure.
- You can use glasses 3 months after the procedure.
- You can swim in the sea/pool one month after the procedure.
- You can lie on your side after rhinoplasty. It is necessary to wait 3 months to lie face down.
There are rules to be followed after every plastic surgery.