Hair Transplantation

FUE Technique Hair Transplant

Causes of hair loss

Hair strands are formed by “hair-producing cells” in the hair root. How long these cells will produce and how many years they will survive is certain when the person is born. The genes within the hair-producing cells are encoded according to the hereditary characteristics for how many years they will remain alive. These codes don't change for life.

The main reason for male pattern hair loss, which we call “androgenetic alopecia”, is the ending of hair production in relation to genetic codes. When the time is up, the hair-producing cells, which receive the message “stop” from their genes, quit production and switch to dormant state.

There are many shampoos, lotions, ampoules etc. in pharmacies and markets that are claimed to delay, slow down, prevent the loss progress or even regrow new strands.

How effective are they?

Since “none” of the products on the market can change the genetic codes mentioned above, they are actually almost ineffective against male pattern hair loss(androgenetic alopecia).

None of the miracle-promising products has been proved to be more effective than “placebo..

What is hair transplantation?

Hair transplantation is the harvest of strands from the abundant area by special techniques and relocation to the balding area.

Which techniques are used in hair transplantation?

There are two types: FUT(Follicular Unit Transplantation) and FUE(Follicular Unit Extraction)

Follicular unit transplantation

In FUT technique, a strip of hair grafts is taken from the nape of the neck(donor site) and the wound is closed by suturing. The follicles on this strip are divided into single layer of follicular units(slivers) and then transplanted into holes on the bald area(recipient site). The duration of the operation is shorter but a scar remains in the donor site.

Follicular unit extraction

In the more recent FUE technique, follicular units are harvested one by one with the help of a special punch device. It is transplanted after grouping. The duration of the operation is longer, but no scars remain.

What does “graft” mean?

Hair follicles grow from the roots in single, double, triple or more crowded groups. When these units are collected individually, they are called “graft”. A graft does not mean a strand of hair. The more strands each graft include, the more strands can be transplanted to the patient. So, this is an advantage of the person for hair transplantation.

Who can get hair transplant?

Hair transplantation can be applied to men and women after 20 years of age

As in all medical operations, a doctor’s examination is required for; whether hair transplantation is necessary, suitability of the applicant and the selection of the technique to be performed.

Persons who are suitable for hair transplantation are those who have sufficient hair on the side and back areas of the head.

Under what conditions and where should hair transplantation be applied?

Hair transplantation must be performed under the supervision of Aesthetic, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Specialist and in hospital environment.

Before hair transplantation

  • No alcohol should be used starting from at least 3 days before hair transplantation
  • Blood thinners such as aspirin should be discontinued one week before hair transplantation
  • You should not use cosmetic products such as lotion and conditioner before the operation.
  • If you have chronic blood pressure, diabetes, heart and stomach disorders, you should share it with your doctor during your examination.
  • You should inform your doctor before the operation if you are taking any medications regularly.

After hair transplantation

  • The patient can go home on the same day. People with sensitive skin may have swelling on the forehead for the first few days. Ice application will be effective in reducing edema here.
  • The first hair wash is done 1-2 days after the procedure.
  • Sunbathing, solarium and heavy exercise are not recommended in the first month.
  • We recommend that you rest at home for 2-3 days after transplantation. It is best to lie down with your head 45 degrees high during this rest. If you need to go out, you must wear a hat.
  • Do not bend your head forward for activities such as tying shoes or picking up something from the ground.
  • Your head will be numb with the effect of medicine in the early postoperative period. Therefore, try to protect your head while getting into the car, lying down and walking around the house.
  • On the first night, some blood and edema leakage is normal and anticipated from the nape area(donor site) where the grafts were harvested. No need to worry. Laying a clean towel under your head will prevent your pillow from getting dirty.
  • There may be mild tingling in the operation area for the first 1-2 days. You will not have any complaints if you use the medicines we recommend.
  • Be careful not to hit your head against the bed head or the wall.
  • Sports, hard works and sexual intercourse should be avoided within the first 3 days after the operation. Heavy physical activity affects blood pressure and may cause grafts to displace.
  • Not smoking for the first 15 days is crucial in terms of survival of the transplanted grafts. Smoking a single cigarette or even presence in a smoking environment can cause the loss of grafts.
  • After the operation, although the severity varies from person to person, there may be some swelling and bruising on the forehead and face area. This is an expected result depending on the injected fluids, the effect of the procedure and the sensitivity of the person. Since the tissue structure of each person is different, the amount of edema and swelling is also different. However, the use of medications and following the recommendations prevents increased swelling and edema.
  • The edema will increase in the first 2 days and will begin to decrease after 48 hours. To prevent the increase in edema, in the first 2 days, apply ice to your forehead and eyebrow area over 10-15 minutes per hour. Do not apply ice to the planting area.
  • You can wash your body down from under your neck.
  • You can eat whatever you want, no restrictions. However, alcohol intake, especially in the first 3 days, can cause blood thinning and anticoagulant effect and cause bleeding and leakage. Thus, we do not recommend drinking alcohol for the first 3 days.
  • You can wash your hair on the 2nd day. Before washing, apply Bepanthol lotion abundantly to the planting area and wait 10-15 minutes for the scabs to absorb. Then wash with warm water gently and without pressure. You can easily foam your neck. Yet, on the planting area, avoid traumatic movements that will cause the planted hair to displace. Do not make drying moves and do not use machines.
  • For the first 15 days; wash your hair every day and repeat these procedures
  • Avoid excessive sunlight for 4-6 weeks. Definitely wear a hat
  • The planted hair will completely fall off in 6–8 weeks, and it will regrow gradually, healthier and bushy in 3-6 months. Falling and regrowing times vary from person to person.
  • After transplantation, your existing strands will also strengthen and thicken.

Frequently Asked Questions

Hair transplantation operation takes 5-8 hours.

Since the operation is performed under local anesthesia, there is no pain.

Because we apply sedation anesthesia for relaxation before local anesthesia to most patients, the needles for local anesthesia are not felt, either.

Patients can watch TV and listen to music during the procedure.

Women with hair sparsity or loss and people with scars or loss of eyebrow can also be treated with this method.

It used to be that there was a scar after hair transplantation. With the development of medical methods and technologies, there will be no scar after the hair transplantation performed by FUE method.

Despite being very rare, the FUT method is applied in some mandatory situations. As a result of this method, a 1 mm wide, 22 cm long linear scar can be left behind.

Planted hair is completely shed in the first stage. However, it regrows between 3-6 months and it is lifelong. Because the transplanted hair is taken from the back of the head and the hair-producing cells in this region are programmed into lifetime production. The person can comb their new hair and shape it with a blow dryer or gel.

Although it varies from person to person, hair starts to grow after approximately 3-6 months after hair transplantation.

PRP is the use of plasma obtained by centrifuging the human's own blood in treatment. Since only our own blood is involved and no foreign substance is added, it is not possible to have an allergy or immune reaction for PRP procedures.

PRP can be applied to strengthen hair follicles in hair transplantation operation.