Lip Filler

Filler Applications

When the facial anatomy is analyzed, two basic fatty tissues will be seen. One is fatty tissue under the skin that assists skin and cushions the underlying structures, and the other is the fat pads in special cells.

Two fundamental changes occur as age progresses. First, both the layers of the skin and the subcutaneous fat tissue get thin. This way, especially in weak individuals, the underlying bone structure lines become distinctive on the surface. This is called ”skeletonization."

Another change with age occurs in tendons and ligaments that surround the fat pads and hold them in certain areas. As these structures loosen, the fat cushions sag.

The face oval is deformed when both effects come together. The fatty tissues that should be in the high areas of the face descend towards the chin and neck. The face, which looks like a triangular at a young age, gradually becomes square or rectangular.

To handle these unpleasant changes, we make use of volumizing fillers, especially in the early stages.

With hypodermic fillers, we aim to reduce wrinkles, to give volume and fullness, to increase the water content of the skin and moisturize it internally to give a more fresh and vivid appearance. And with deeply applied fillers, it is possible to fill the areas where fat pads should be, to regenerate the fat cells, to highlight the facial oval and to reverse skeletonization.

Also, with fillers we can improve the form of specific areas such as under eye and lips.

What is hyaluronic acid?

We can sort out the fillers into three according to their durability as temporary, semi-permanent and permanent. Among these, hyaluronic acid (HA) is the most widely used temporary substance.

HA is actually a natural molecule that is abundant in our body. While it used to be produced from animal sources in the past, it is obtained from bacteria with high technology today, and less likely to cause allergies and redness. It is on market in gel form, ready for injection. 1 gram HA can retent 6 liters of water.

Types of hyaluronic acid

Producer companies prepare products of different molecular sizes and cross-linking quantities to be injected into different regions and for varying purposes. Depending on the intended use, injection area and the depth of skin will be different. For example, very cross-linked and high molecule-sized products will be used to obtain volume in the cheekbone region, while less cross-linked, more fluent and vitamin-containing products will be preferred to remove under-eye bruising.

What are the advantages of using hyaluronic acid?

  • It is an organic and natural substance in the body.
  • Does not cause allergies since it is not animal originated.
  • Can be applied quickly in office conditions without prior preparation. 20-30 minutes is enough to apply the process.
  • Multiple problems can be solved at a session using different products for different regions at the same time.
  • Can be injected with very small (fine) needles.
  • Effect lasts for 8-12 months (may vary depending on the application area and product).
  • In time, it is naturally absorbed and dissolved by the body. Therefore, when it is no longer desired, return is possible by natural ways.
  • It comes ready to use in the syringe. No additional cost and time is required to get. Thus, it is cheaper than other methods.

Is it a painful process?

Painkiller agents are added to some products in order to prevent pain during application.

Additionally, analgesic creams or nerve blocks (such as during dental treatment) are applied before the application to ensure that the application is painless.

Which areas can fillers be applied?

Fillers are most commonly used in the face area. It is also possible to use it for anywhere the volume is desired on hand, breast or body.

How long does the filler application take?

Prior to application, make-up and the area to be filled is cleaned with antiseptic solution.

The area is then marked. Local anesthesia cream is applied. After waiting for 15-20 minutes for numbness, filler is injected. The process is finished with 5 minutes of ice application.

The entire time is about half an hour.

Do women who have fillers look alike?

Recently, we see that people who are not aesthetic plastic surgeons or even non-physicians have started to perform fillers. These people who introduce themselves with the titles “esthetician, aesthetic physician...” do not have enough knowledge and equipment and only apply a few techniques they memorized in a way that is the same to everyone. They think that every person with a filler and a syringe can do this job.

Yet, people have different tissue, skin structure, anatomical structure and the effects of aging do not come out the same in everyone. There is no single method to work for everyone.

The aim is to apply the necessary and correct procedure to the person. For this, the doctor who will perform a face filler needs to be qualified in the subjects of:

  • Anatomy, physiology and structure of skin
  • Anatomical structure of the face
  • Aesthetic proportions of the face
  • Effects of aging on skin and face

The intention of filler is not to make the face swollen and enormous. We want to improve the skin and to give the required volume to the needed areas. The fillers in this way look aesthetically pleasing and do not disturb the people looking.

The “Catwoman” fillers that give the face a swollen appearance and make everyone look alike are exaggerated and inaccurate operations performed by non-competent people. We never do such extravagant and unnatural applications.

What is under-eye light filler?

Because of today's stressful and intense life tempo, we experience dark hollows, bags and circles around the eyes even in the middle age. Under-eye light fillers are produced especially for these areas. They contain vitamins and minerals as well as hyaluronic acid and provide skin nourishment and rejuvenation alongside filler. Thus, with repetitive applications skin color is lightened, under-eye appears younger and fuller.

What is fibrogel?

Fibroblasts are natural cells of the skin. One of their main tasks is the production of collagen which is the structure that maintains elasticity and tension of the skin.

Fibrogel application is an organic and cellular treatment method. The person's own fibroblasts are injected to him/her again.

The application is as follows:

First, a piece of tissue with a diameter of 0.3 mm is taken from back of the ear with local anesthesia. This tissue is sent to the laboratory where fibroblasts are decomposed and cultured.

When enough fibroblasts (millions) are yielded after 3-4 weeks, the desired amount is mixed with hyaluronic acid to produce fibrogel filler. The fibrogel volume is injected into the desired regions, allowing the cells to live and fill there.

Simply, fibrogel is an “alive” filler.There are fibroblast cells living in it. The rest of the fibroblast cells can also be injected to other parts of the face to restore freshness and increase collagen production (Youth Vaccine). The entire application takes about 20-30 minutes.

Since fibrogel is a living, live filler application, its effect lasts longer than other fillers. It is more permanent and more effective.

What is plasma gel (PRP gel)?

Platelets are the structures responsible for the production of growth and repair factors in the blood. When they recognize damaged blood vessels and tissues, they secrete these factors to call the healing and repairing cells to the site.

In PRP application, after 20cc of blood is taken from the person, ”Platelet Rich Plasma” (PRP) is obtained by purifying platelets through various physical and chemical decomposition processes. PRP is then applied to the desired areas of the face skin with techniques such as injection, napage, dermapen. This is called ”vampire facial rejuvenation".

While PRP is procured, some of it can be formed as filler and injected into the areas  where volume is desired. And this one is called ”Plasma Gel Filler".

The entire process takes 30-45 minutes.

Plasma Gel application is an organic application obtained from one's own tissues.

Is it possible to perform filler with fat tissue?

Fat tissue is a relatively easy-to-obtain tissue that is abundant in our body. In addition to give volume to the region where it is injected, fat tissue also acts as a rejuvenating and restorative function with the stem cells it contains.

In patients who require large amounts of fillers, it is quite expensive to do so with ready-made fillers. In such cases, for suitable persons, it is possible to apply filler with their own fat tissue.

Under appropriate sterility conditions and under local anesthesia, as much fat as desired can be removed from the abdomen of the person with thin cannulas. This fat is filtered and diluted, then injected to the desired areas. If more fat is left, it is frozen for later applications.

Fat filler lasts 8 months-1 year. At the end of this period, only 30% remains. In this case, one more session can be applied.

What areas can be filled with fat tissue?

Fat tissue can be injected into any area in need of volume. Many areas can be filled with fatty tissue such as face, hands, breasts, butt area, eye area.

Frequently Asked Questions

To prevent pain during the procedure, some products contain pain-relieving agents.

Additionally, pain-relieving creams or nerve blocks (similar to those used during dental treatments) can be applied before the procedure to ensure it is painless.

Hyaluronic acid, a substance naturally found in the body, has no side effects. Occasionally, there may be slight bruising and swelling at the injection site, but this is temporary and usually resolves within a couple of days.

The filler application is not permanent. The duration it lasts depends on your body's rate of metabolizing the filler, the quality of the material, and the amount of filler used.

Since a portion of the filler will remain in your body with each application, the duration may increase, but typically it needs to be repeated every 8 to 12 months.

Permanent (non-dissolving) fillers do not offer the possibility of reversal if you are not satisfied with the results or wish to return to your original state. Therefore, I do not use them. Additionally, permanent fillers can lead to issues such as allergies, infections, and deformities in the future.

Silicone lip implants are thin, long implants available in different sizes according to the individual's needs. A permanent lip implant can be placed with a small incision under local anesthesia. If the person wishes to return to their original state, the implants can be removed again under local anesthesia.

Silicone lip implants are strip-shaped implants with the same thickness from end to end, thus thickening every part of the lip equally. However, different parts of the lips usually need different levels of fullness. Therefore, I find it more appropriate and aesthetically pleasing to shape the lips with fillers rather than silicone implants. Shaping with fillers is more suitable for artistic and creative applications, and in my opinion, provides much better results.

In fact, many people's lips are not symmetrical. Completely filling the thinner part is often very difficult. While achieving perfectly symmetrical lips with lip fillers may be challenging, it is possible to achieve a more symmetrical, harmonious, and aesthetically pleasing appearance that suits your face.

When done with care and experience, using the right filler material and proper technique, it will not be obvious that you have had lip fillers.

However, if poor quality material is used, or if the filler is applied excessively or in the wrong areas of the lips, it will certainly be noticeable and look bad.

While permanent fillers used in the past could cause loss of sensation, the hyaluronic acid fillers we use today do not lead to loss of sensation. Additionally, there is no loss of facial expressions observed.

In fact, there is no definition of "French lip" in the plastic surgery literature. It is a marketing strategy.

The goal here is to thicken the center of the upper lip while leaving the sides empty, allowing the fullness of the lower lip to settle into these spaces. Does it suit everyone? In my opinion, no.